통합 검색
통합 검색
Let us give you explanation about the various effects of lenticular imagery as follows ;
3D Stereo effect
A lenticular stereo image is originally based on the so called "parallax" , which is caused by the
separation of 6 ~ 6.5cm between our two eyes, thus it basically requires a great number of images
of different camera angles, unlike binocular stereo method, which only needs two images.
So it should continuously provide "stereo sets" composed of left, right images sequentially coming from the multiple views according to the changes of viewers' position as you can't expect any of
the separating functionality of special glasses in a lenticular stereo image without glasses.
The stronger 3D stereo effect you want, the more images you have to place under a lenticule, say a lens line in the interlacing process.
However, you can't put as many images as you want because of the limitations to the resolutions of printing systems such as inkjet printer, image-setter, etc.
Thanks to our special "sub-pixel" methodology associated with "MAI(Multi Angle Integration)",
we've successfully accomplished the unprecedented quality of the lenticular image coming with
the incredible off-screen effect and also the highest image clarity.
Flipping effect
Basically, lenticular images of flipping effect show two different images according to the changes of the viewers' positions, while it can be made to show more than two images, say "three flip"
and "four flip" and so on. You have to ask us to interlace the images horizontally( refer to "B" in
the left example) if you'r going to show it to the people moving up and down like in an escalator,
while we usually use the vertical interlacing method(refer to "A") for the viewers moving sideways.
We can make each of the flipping images have depth effect as well, while most of flip images
are usually made to alternatively show ordinary 2D flat images.
For your reference, it's impossible to add 3D depth effect to the flip image with the interlacing
lens lines parallel to the earth just like "B" because of the fact that human eyes are horizontally
separated, not vertically, thus the interlacing of "B" makes both eyes see the same image without
any parallax, that is essential to 3D depth effect.
Zooming effect
By using zoom-in/out effect, you can attract people's attention. Of course, it can be made
to have 3D depth effect along with the strong zooming effect for the specific objects of the
Morphing effect
Morphing effect is often mistaken for "two flip effect" as both show the changes from one image
to the other, but its smooth and realistic process of transition is the differentiating point because
it looks much smoother and more sophisticated, professional.
Animation(Motion) effect
It's like seeing a short video clip being played on a flat image as each of the video sequences
come into your eyes in successions, when you move laterally.
We usually use the frames obtained from a video clip to produce an animation effect, but it's
also possible to instead use frames obtained from an animated design composed of your custom
2D flat static source images you provide us with.
Combined effect
We can mix up various effects in a lenticular image, while the left sample is made of three effects combined, say 3D Depth, Zoom-in and Flip ;
- 3D Depth effect: Grayscale background is deep inside, while the text of "BangTan Boys" is
protruding off the surface
- Flip effect: Note the character gives you a wink, while the reddish design behind him disappears
- Zoom-In effect: The text of "BTS" gets zoomed in.